Chapter 18 – Purple or Orange?

Welcome back fair reader! The title of this chapter has nothing to do with anything really, well, it sort of does. You see Jory’s supposed favorite color is orange, yet when she grew into a teen every outfit she chose was PURPLE! The girl obviously can’t make up her mind. Moving on.

We did a bit of remodeling. The lot isn’t much bigger than the house that’s already sitting on it so we can’t expand anything except to go higher again. But I didn’t feel like building so we shuffled things around.

We bought a huge tv, locked that poor butterfly in there by way of that huge vampire’s eye rock and moved Beatrix’s prom pic forward.

Faye and Fred’s prom pic had to be moved too but um… don’t tell them it’s on the bathroom sink! O,o

I wish there was a family album we could just stuff them all into and leave laying around like in sims 2.

To go along with the tv we bought a couch to watch it on and the most expensive stereo system there was!

All of the children’s things got moved into the hallway and the garage…

And Elvirs got some random junk to make her room look less barren. Nothing in this house is barren O,o.

Anywho… that was boring so we’ll get back to moving out kids and makin’ babies!

That’s right, I’m moving Hazel out! The boys don’t look like they care…

Icarus: “She’s still crazy and I still don’t like her.”

Keiji: “She’s not only in the way of my eating cake but she’s interrupting my writing time. If I’m going to finish my novel before I turn twelve I can’t be disrupted!”

Geesh… say goodbye to your sister and kiss her ass too. Jerks.

I rolled artistic for her final trait, and she’s quite pretty!

Icarus: “I really am happy for her, see? Don’t think I’m a jerk… please?”

Oh geesh. I was kidding! Because I knew both of you were just trying to cheer. Your mystery trait isn’t dramatic is it? Hmm…

Keiji’s father wanted a “new baby” makeover and when we arrived he’s thinking of.. Iedola?! WTH? Of course they’d be friends. You know they aren’t more than that since she’s a gold digger and he’s a vampire. He’s not croaking soon.

Little Peanut huh? I don’t think Keiji would like this, not one bit. Bright and fun though hmm?

Vladimir: “WHAT IS THIS?!”

Well you said bright and, well, Keiji’s favorite color is hot pink.

Vladimir: “You made me look like a fool!”


At least he didn’t accuse her of cheating when she arrived. You know, if this were sims 2 our trash can would never be upright.

Elvira: “I’m Vladimir, and I’m a nerdy vampire. Nyuk nyuk nyuk!”

Vladimir: “You are going to regret this day.”

Buahahahaha! Mock him some more! If everyone is going to hate us then let’s have fun with it and make everyone really hate us! Especially when we looked for the “just be friends” option and he isn’t giving it to us. So screw you Vladimir!

Lachesis grew up adorable! I love her hair color so much I saved it too. I guess she must be a tomboy because this is what she grew up with. /shrug I think she looks cute in the boy hair so she can keep it. I might forget she’s a girl from time to time though. Haha, we’ll see.

She also got the friendly trait on her own.

I had to invite him to visit but we finally got Zaher! I was going to go to Egypt after him but I’m having an issue where when I visit the other lands my sim panel is empty. Bleh. Anyway we have baby M on the way! Hopefully babIES M since I have no twins yet and really don’t want to use fertility treatment.

Icarus was about Hazel’s age and, as much as I wanted to keep him, I figured I had to let him go. He rolled Computer Whiz and only has 4 traits. I still blame Iedola.

He wanted his LTW to be Martial Arts master and as fate would have it I have some Bruce Lee hair. Teehee, my little Bruce Lee. Too bad he’s leaving the house. 😦

Elvira: “What do you want, Big?”

Big: *belch* “Hehe, oh you know. I’m not getting any younger.”

Seriously… he came over here on his own. We’re trying to sit in the kids music Big, and she’s already pregnant. Besides we got Tom Wordy finally as a contact. You can go away!

Meanwhile Bronson went to the park because that seems to be the only place to run into sims and we were both bored.

Beryl: “So dad, you know how grandma bought us girls that huge mansion? And now she’s dead… and none of us have jobs so I really need some money.”

Bronson: “Of course, honey! How much do you need?”

Ugh. Beryl you never call your parents but spot him in the park and this is what you do? Bleh.

Keiji grew up to look like Hunter Thompson sans the balding. He also got the shy trait. Do what?! With that choice of outfit? I don’t think so!

Bronson: “Hello homeless kitty cleaning yourself in the men’s public toilet at the park. Let me pet you.”

*several interactions later* and the cat BARELY likes him.

*cry* All of them are like this!

Anyway, in the adjoining women’s bathroom we cornered Beatrix (the B child to Elvira and Bronson) for a makeover. I don’t know what she thought she was doing but we fixed it. Also the ladies room turns into an adorable little salon doesn’t it? Magic!

Elvira: “There. Now I don’t have to ignore you on the street for your poor fashion choices.”

Beatrix: “Yeah I look hot now but still, screw off mother.”

They hate each other. As most people hate Elvira. What I’m most sad is that the best friend relationship Beatrix had with her dad is gone. Thanks to the stupid rumors from the paparazzi. Seriously… who loses relationship with their FATHER because the rumor mill said he pissed himself in public? WHO?!

Baby (hopefully babIES since I’ve been running Kids Bop and the Disney Channel non-stop for her entire pregnancy. On high volume mind you!) is coming. I don’t think we’ll go to the hospital.

Elvira: “&*#^$%@%^ you!”

Oh please. By now they must all just slide out.

Your ex-wife is having her latest baby downstairs.

Bronson: “What else is new?”

We’re hoping it’s twins or triplets?

Bronson: *glares* “What is wrong with you?”

I don’t know! 😦

It worked! We got twin girls! We did so well (motive mobile) during the pregnancy we were allowed to choose traits. But of course we rolled. The first twin was Mable who rolled Artistic and Athletic. The second twin is Magali who rolled Light Sleeper and Easily Impressed. Bronson did not stop drumming during the whole thing.

And I had to check who their dad was again because I had already forgotten.

And it’s on to Tom Wordy, the father of baby “N”! Of course Tom wanted to take it slow… they had to get up to Good Friends and had hardly anything left to fill the relationship bar before he finally let her do much besides hug him and flirt with him. And even after she finally got the rest of the romantic interactions we stood around for a few hours until the relationship bar was even HIGHER before we could try for baby. UGH!

Tom: “I’m no fool. I know all the women want a piece of me, a man in my position. I’m not going to let any swimmers go upstream on just anyone.”

You’re icky. And Elvira is rich so she doesn’t need to had a kid to get money from you. In fact you’ll never hear from us again after! Take THAT!

At least the baby try succeeded on the first try. /boots him out

Keiji: “I just learned to drive just by thinking about it.”

The vampires learn skills at crazy speed. Seems glitched. I wanted him to actually get INTO the motive mobile. I still have had no success placing it in the driveway, it won’t let me, OR getting other sims to ride with her in it.

Jory: “This just satisfied all of my wishes.”

… I think it did mine too. :O

Knight (the gnome): “So you’re new in town eh? Name is Peanut you said? Well, you’re in with us now. Nothing to worry about boy-o!”

Lambert (the lion): “Yeah, just watch out for Maria. That guy is crazy.”

Peanut: O,o

I don’t even….

And for the first time in absolute ages the cake randomly sets aflame!

I blame zombie Elvira.

Mable: “Yes. Blame the mother. That’s right. All according to my plan!”

About Madcapp

I play sims, pokemon, Zelda, Lord of the Rings Online and Fable 3 as well as lots of other games. I write, and I love movies and kittens. If you play Fable 3 message me. I need friends to join and play with! Lotro too. We can even trade pokemon if you play that! I'm a nerd. Best way to be. :p
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2 Responses to Chapter 18 – Purple or Orange?

  1. All the kids that grew up look awesome!
    >.< why leave it on a cliffie? I wanted to know which twin turned out blonde! Waah…

    • Madcapp says:

      I completely didn’t mean to. It just looked like it had already gotten so long and it seems like I normally make them too long so I thought I’d better stop. Then I got busy with groceries and chores and never got the next one up. >,<

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